The BlueLabel AI Toolbox
Create compelling and keyword optimized app store metadata using our AI-powered App Store Optimizer.

Enter a few brief details about your app and watch the AI powered App Store Optimizer generate for you a set of
metadata that is compatible with both Apple App Store Connect and Google Play.
Working Name
Enter your app's name
Purpose Statement
What's the main goal of your app?
List your app's top features
App Category
Which category best describes your app?
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The BlueLabel AI Toolbox
App Store Optimizer
[App Name]

Keyword Research and Suggestion:

After analyzing potential user queries and related search terms, the following list of keywords is suggested for targeting:
  1. Language Learning
  2. Learn Spanish
  3. Learn French
  4. ESL Courses
  5. Language App
  6. Speak Italian
  7. Grammar Guide
  8. Vocabulary Building
  9. Language Tutor
  10. Biligual Education

App Description Generation:

Here's a compelling and SEO-friendly app description:

Unlock the World with [Your App Name] 🌍

Welcome to [Your App Name], the ultimate language learning app designed to make you fluent in no time!

📚 Features:
Multiple Languages: Choose from Spanish, French, Italian, and more.
Interactive Lessons: Engage with fun quizzes and real-world scenarios.
Custom Plans: Tailored learning paths to meet your goals.

🌟 Benefits:
Speak Like a Native: Perfect your accent with our speech recognition. Anywhere, Anytime: Download lessons and learn on-the-go. Community Support: Connect with fellow language learners. Download now and start your journey to fluency!


Visual Asset Suggestions:

iOS Guidelines:
  • App Icon: Use vibrant colors and a minimalistic design that represents language or global connectivity. Size: 1024x1024 pixels (App Store), 180x180 pixels (Device)
  • Screenshots: Capture key features like language selection, interactive lessons, and progress tracking. Size for iPhones: 1242x2208 pixels (5.5-inch), 1125x2436 pixels (5.8-inch)
  • Size for iPads: 2048x2732 pixels
Android Guidelines:
  • App Icon: Use vibrant colors and a minimalistic design. Size: 512x512 pixels (Play Store), 192x192 pixels (Device)
  • Screenshots: Capture key features. Size: Minimum 320 pixels, Maximum 3840 pixels. The maximum dimension of your screenshot can't be more than twice as long as the minimum dimension.

Feature Graphic for Android:

  • Use a compelling graphic that gives a quick overview of your app. Size: 1024x500 pixels

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