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6 Innovations that Will Change Mobile Tech in 2014

| February 5, 2014

2014 is shaping up to be a big year in the technology sector in general but what of mobile tech? As our post details, mobile tech could be revolutionized this year too.

1. Wearable Technology

For years now, we’ve been playing with our ‘smartphones’ and our ‘tablets’ but in 2014 the mobile space is about to become a whole lot more than that. Mobile tech will no longer be defined by smudged touch screens of varying sizes as this year, wearable technology (which is still mobile technology) is set to take off.

We have already had a small taste of it last year with the Samsung Gear smartwatch and this year, Apple are reportedly set to release an iWatch too, seeing app developers change things up in a big way as having to develop for even tinier screens will be a possibility.

2.Bigger Screens, Better Games

On the contrary, it’s not just smaller screens that developers will have to optimize their apps for, as on the other side of the scale, screen sizes could potentially get even bigger. Apple is rumored to be quite wary of how phablets (phone/tablets with large screens) are bustling in and vying for consumer money, too are they aware of how people use their iPhone to play games and so they are rumored to be upping the next iPhone’s screen size. As a result, app developers, especially those who make games, are going to be expected to increase the quality of their graphics to give us all something pretty to look out on our giant phones.

3. Mobile Tech

Another rumor which is very likely to come to fruition is ‘iOS7 for Cars’, in that Apple is rumored to be working on a version of their popular iOS for motor vehicles. Fancy driving an Apple controlled car? Regardless of where you stand on the rumor, there will be people very interested and suddenly, apps that require all of your attention might be ousted for more hands-free titles, something developers will also have to consider.

4. Haptic Technology

Ever heard of haptic technology? It’s ok if you haven’t, it’s yet to take off in a big way yet, but it could possibly be the next big feature (after curved screens) in smartphones. Haptic technology allows the user to feel things that aren’t there. For example, nowadays you might virtually push something in an app or a game, but in reality all you’d be pushing was the pane of your touchscreen, but with haptic technology you could be granted the ability to actually feel as if you were pushing that thing, which could bring an entirely new gameplay element or feature to our apps.

5. New Screens, Like Old Screens But With Added Buttons

This point on this list doesn’t really have a name. For the most part, it could best be described as ‘screen buttons’. Similar to haptic technology, these ‘bubbles’ on a screen give you the idea that you’re literally pressing something, such as the buttons on a keyboard or in a game. It sounds completely bonkers, but a few decades ago if I’d have said that the phones of today would have the computing power of 30 computer labs, you probably would have thought that was crazy too. It might not be a game changer but as there are plenty of people still unsure of smartphones, preferring the very real feel of laptop keyboards and so it could convert quite a few people to smartphones if phone makers know how to utilise it in a practical way.

6. NFC

Near Field Communication or ‘NFC’, lets your mobile device interact with something else, wirelessly, from up close. It’s what the banks and stores mean when they say you can pay for things with your phone.

A quick swipe of your phone, a bit like a credit card, and you can pay for your entire order in seconds, in some cases NFC being the safer option in comparison to carrying around several hundred dollars in your wallet. The reason it’s on this list is because not only is it innovative in its own right, 2014 is going to see NFC payments more prevalent than ever and that means that suddenly it will become a must have feature that plenty of lower end devices might not have and therefore won’t become viable on the market (until device’s makers up the features and the price).

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