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5 App Myths Debunked

| November 6, 2020

Many people think they need a ton of cash to build an app. They have great ideas, but they never pursue their app aspirations because they think it costs too much. False. For less than $5,000, you can build a simple app that looks good and works like a charm. It’s not cheap, but it’s not as expensive as people think either.

Many aspiring iOS app developers also think it’s tough to get an app approved by the App Store – it’s not. Dreamt It, a nifty app where iOS users can record and share their dreams, was approved in two hours. While the Apple Review process may be intimidating (or even nervewracking) since no one really knows what goes on behind the scenes, there are a few things you can do to make the process faster and way easier. The first is to relax. Next, read the App Review Guidelines and follow it to a T. Lastly, test your app before you submit it. Make sure it’s bug-free, hassle-free, and annoyance-free. If your testers love it, the folks at Apple probably will too.

These are just two of the many app lies and misconceptions out there. Below are five more app myths we’d like to debunk so you can stop thinking about building an app and finally get around to making one.

1. “If you build it, they will come.”

Just because you started a blog doesn’t mean people will visit it. Just because you wrote a book doesn’t mean people will read it. The same applies to apps. Just because you built an app and listed it on all the app stores doesn’t mean people will download it. With nearly a million apps out there, your app is on its way to app oblivion the moment you conceptualize it if you don’t implement an effective marketing plan. Building an app is just half the battle. Whether you hire a marketing team or go the DIY route, apps need to be marketed if you want it to be successful. Like with any business, you won’t make any money if no one knows you exist. After all, when you’re managing an app, you’re managing a business – so treat it like one. Blue Label Labs has an in-house marketing team that will ensure your hard-earned efforts don’t go to waste when no one knows about your app.

2. Only games and social apps make it big.

Yes, games make the most money and social apps continuously top the app charts. There are, however, other app categories that are less saturated (and, therefore, arguably less competitive), but also make it big. These categories include Lifestyle, Health/Fitness, Travel, Medical, Education, Reference, Business, and Utility. If your app improves people’s lives or adds some sort of value, it has a decent chance of making it big – regardless of its category.

3. People want to chat/meet the people around them (i.e., geolocation dating/networking apps)

The concept of pulling up random people’s profiles who are nearby and have the same interests as you for a potential meetup is intriguing (and pretty cool, in theory) – it’s also very foreign for most app users. Not only does it pose a slew of privacy concerns, but for a lot of people, it’s just downright creepy. While fun to use, even basic location-based applications like Foursquare aren’t as popular as it seems. According to a recent study, 31% of people said they do not feel comfortable with location tracking. Over half of this number said that they felt uncomfortable with location tracking because it made them concerned for their safety. Despite the many geolocation and networking apps already out there, it’s hard to tell if people are actually warming up to using them.

4. Android is the place to be for app makers

With 72% of the global population on Androids, it’s easy to conclude that Android is the place to be. Not so fast. As an app maker, you must first figure out who your audience is and for which platform your app is best suited. While many apps cross platforms, not all apps can be made for Android, such as those that utilize Siri or function based on Windows tools and platform-based user sensibilities. Additionally, making apps for Android is not an easy task. Not only does it take longer to build Android apps (the nuances between the thousands of different Android devices is not for the faint of heart), but it’s also tough to turn a profit in major categories. Instead of looking at app store numbers alone, think about your app and where it can best perform. Make sure you are working with Android app development experts like Blue Label Labs if you want to give this a try!


5. Windows Phone is dead

Windows Phone may be an underdog, but it’s certainly not dead. Developers are cautious to make Windows apps, though, because Windows only has a 0.3% global market share. Nonetheless, developers are watching because Windows Phone has plenty of room for growth and innovation for developers. One of the main complaints about Windows Phones is that there is a general lack of apps that are widely used on iOS and Android devices. Many developers see this as an opportunity for many developers to build alternative, Windows-based apps to perform similar functions. (Read more about why Windows isn’t going anywhere)

What other app myths have you come across? Share them below!

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