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App Exposure Tips From Shodogg CEO

Bobby Gill | March 28, 2014

Modern technology can do amazing things, but it can also be complicated—which can make it difficult to market your product. Shodogg is a service that, according to CEO and founder Herb Mitschele, “enables any mobile device to direct any cloud content to any web-enabled screen, or multiple screens.” Which is to say that it lets users display media like videos, PowerPoints, and PDFs on a wide variety of screens, while you, the user, control the action from your phone.

So far their customers have mostly been enterprise companies, but they’re starting to expand their resources to get footholds in industries like hospitality, education, government, and gaming, to name a few.

How do they catch the interest of potential customers? Mitschele says, “[We] show them the demo of our technology! We’ve built something that people have never seen before and our tech demo wows people every time. It speaks for itself. Once they have seen how it works, we then talk about the major pain points our technology can solve in each industry and its scalable nature.”

This is a key lesson for any app maker. Your app either needs to solve a problem—possibly one the user isn’t even aware they have—or offer information or entertainment in a unique way. If your product doesn’t impress potential customers once they get a look at it, or help them out in any demonstrable way, then you’re going to have trouble selling it—and the problem will have nothing to do with your sales skills.

In Shodogg’s case, it doesn’t hurt that they’ve managed to get a celebrity investor (and occasional spokesperson) in actor/producer Seth Green. Here’s Mr. Green discussing the product to AOL On’s web show Acting Disruptive.

Another effective way Mitschele has found to get people to notice Shodogg is to highlight what makes it better than similar competing products. For instance, Mitschele says, “The benefits of our technology’s flexibility and scalability, paired with its unique ability to share content between any brand of device, entices both clients and the press.” This is something you should think about before you even begin making your app. What problem does it solve, and what does it do that nothing else does? If other similar apps exist, what makes yours better? Identifying these points will help guide the development of the app, and help you sell it.

Lastly, it’s Important to think about your app’s growth potential, and what avenues you might pursue to develop in the future. For Shodogg, they’ve recently announced a software development kit that allows other companies to develop products of their own that use Shodogg’s technology.

None of these marketing ideas are revolutionary when it comes to getting your app noticed, but judging by the momentum Shodogg has built up in its two and a half years of existence, the approach seems to be working.

Bobby Gill
Co-Founder & Chief Architect at BlueLabel | + posts

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