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Oh Baby! Gender Reveal App Now Available

Natasha Singh | March 14, 2019

We’ve all heard amazing success stories – often they seem too incredible to be true. Usually these rags-to-riches, “10 Ideas That Made Millions” tales are click-baity and ultimately unrelatable, pandering to our get-rich-quick dreams.

In reality, the opportunity to innovate and change the world is only limited to one’s talent for finding simple answers to everyday questions, removing the friction to common impasses or providing something magical that people didn’t even know they wanted (or needed). Bill Gates started by purchasing old computer software and tinkering with it. Walt Disney came up with the idea of a mouse that became one of the most iconic animated characters of all time. More than 50 years after Walt’s passing, Disney now boasts Star Wars and Marvel among its many properties as it rules the entertainment and media landscape. The list goes on: J.K. Rowling, Steve Jobs – examples of accomplishment that can make the rest of us feel like we are more likely to win the lottery than achieve fame and fortune by our own hand.

Today we want to talk about the first step in the process of finding success, because it is only in the beginning of these endeavors that common ground can often be found. One small step is all that is needed to begin a journey (which may be a line from The Lord of the Rings), and in the world of digital product development a small budget, when used strategically, can produce a positive return.

At Blue Label Labs, innovation is in our DNA, and so is the desire to test the waters to learn everything about the environment in which we operate.  Because of this insatiable appetite for new ideas and our willingness to explore new technologies, we can provide our clients with the most relevant and effective guidance to help shepherd their idea from vision to reality. And so, like a chef in a kitchen testing new recipes, we experiment.

One of our recent experiments, conceptualized by Jordan Gurrieri, co-founder and COO here at Blue Label Labs, is an iMessage sticker pack that gives iPhone users the ability to send gender reveal stickers to their friends and family.”Not everyone can be there in person for your gender reveal party,” the app store description reads. “Our cute animated stickers are inspired by the creative and fun, real-world gender reveal ideas people are doing everywhere.” For ninety-nine cents, the animated illustrations can load into the phones of excited new or soon-to-be parents.

Working on the internal project that required only a small budget ($338.50 to be exact) with the aim of making a profit of a thousand dollars or more, the effort provided quality data in gauging the public’s appetite for iMessage apps and sticker packs. Without breaking the bank and with limited risk, we took on the role of a financially limited entrepreneur with a novel idea and met our financial goal, while showing it doesn’t cost a fortune to make one, or at least enough for a vacation to Disneyland.

It’s niche, it’s modest, but not all endeavors have to follow the “go big or go home” mentality. There is a market out there for nearly everything, and for those reluctant entrepreneurs with a good idea, $338.50 isn’t too hefty a price tag for making your business dreams come true.

Check it out in the App Store: Gender Reveal Stickers

Natasha Singh
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Senior iOS Developer at Blue Label Labs

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