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The 10 Appster Commandments For Building Apps

Bobby Gill | August 6, 2012

Take it from me, building a mobile app is not easy. Even if you’ve built software before, building for mobility is much different than building for the desktop or web.  While the code underlying a mobile app isn’t all that different than what you’d find in desktop software, the way people interact with mobile apps is and comes with it a unique set of challenges.

Over the next weeks, I’ll share what I’ve learned from my experience building apps, along with lessons I’ve gleaned from other mobile app entrepreneurs.  If you are a prospective mobile entrepreneur, then this series is for you. You don’t need to be a programmer to build apps, heck you don’t even need to be very technical at all. I’ll show you how to take your app idea from concept to app store.

But before we jump into the rabbit hole, here are a few truths, commandments if you will, about building mobile apps that I’ve compiled.  I look at these as universal truths that apply to mobile development, you should use them as a guiding light when creating your app.  It’s by no means a complete list, and I’ll add more as they come to me.  I’d love to hear from you if you have your own commandments you’d like to share.

Without further adieu, the 10 Appster Commandments for Building an App:

Print these out and tack them up in front of your work station. Creating a great app is more art than science, and requires patience, creativity and open-mindedness.  You’ll be surprised by how much you’ll learn about not only technology, but about how human emotion and psychology. Ideas are just that, and no matter how great your idea might seem, I guarantee you that once you start building it, it will change and evolve. Heck, you might end up with something completely different than what you went in with, and thats perfectly ok. You won’t know until you try, so let us begin the journey.

Bobby Gill
Co-Founder & Chief Architect at BlueLabel | + posts

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