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“Doctorpreneurs” are Turning to Healthcare iPhone Apps for Professional Assistance

Natasha Singh | October 22, 2020


Blue Label Labs was recently mentioned in a Canadian Healthcare Network article as one of the leading Mobile App Development companies for doctors to partner with when it comes to disrupting traditional healthcare paradigm. As we enter a new era of Healthcare delivery, many physicians are unhappy with the antiquated delivery models around them. Dr. Sunny Malhotra, author of Navigating ‘Doctorpreneurship: your style, your idea, and the money, explains:


“There are various ways physicians can enter into the healthcare technology ecosystem to make a difference in broken areas of care delivery.”


Dr. Malhotra breaks down these variations into four distinct ‘doctorprenuer’ types: The Builder, The Opportunist, The Specialist, and The Innovator.

      • The Builder – Sees a successful business model in another industry and looks to recreate it in the Healthcare space


      • The Opportunist –  Strikes on opportunities in the healthcare industry that leverage their success or expertise in areas where they have strategic partners


      • The Specialist- Leverage expertise in a specific area to improve the broader status quo


      • The Innovator- Sees a problem and develops new solutions that have not been asked for yet by the consumer

Next Step: Develop a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Once you have identified a solution to the proposed problem, ‘doctorpreneurs’ then need to develop a simple prototype to define your product or business idea that can be used for testing. Dr. Malhotra recommends Blue Label Labs as a strong partner for this next step of the process:

“Seeking out mobile application development companies such as Blue Label Labs  for a basic shell product can  be a solution.”

Augmented Reality in Healthcare Apps

With the advent of Augmented Reality in IOS development – and the possibilities that this brings – healthcare apps are on the rise in Dr. Malhotra’s industry. Medical apps for doctors have been using AR for years. Augmented Reality in many different areas has been helping the medical community through technologies such as Accuvein. This is a vein visualization device that allows doctors to use AR to see where patients’ veins are located under the skin. It projects a layout of the veins onto the skin so that blood can be drawn accurately and injections can be targeted more precisely.

Furthermore, IOS development’s use of Augmented Reality has allowed a variety of advances in everyday healthcare apps. Exercise and activity are always important and often are prescribed by doctors in tandem with other treatments. Both are great for improving the lives of people with a range of conditions. Zombies, Run! Is a great example of how Augmented Reality is seen in healthcare apps. The app uses AR to turn an everyday jog or run into a video game-esque simulation by utilizing graphics and audio.  

Educational Healthcare AR apps

Healthcare providers have also been using AR apps to project lifeline representations of visuals for medical students. This is more helpful for young medics than viewing static images and representations in textbooks and on charts. AR also has become increasingly lifelike in its representations of the human body. It can depict the human body with immense accuracy and definition. Typically, this type of augmented reality can work on an iPhone, iPad, or a pair of AR glasses. The system could work with an interactive model that allows the user to hold the phone or tablet up to a dummy to see different parts of the body. With glasses, the wearer could just look at different areas and see different body systems at work.

Finding the Right Mobile App Developer

When it comes to choosing a healthcare app development company, doctors should look out for key signals that matter to their business. It is important to ask the right questions and meet the team that would be working on your app. Blue Label Labs was recently listed on as one of the best mobile app development companies in NYC. To get tips on finding the right healthcare app agency, read our blog post here.


Cover Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash


Natasha Singh
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Senior iOS Developer at Blue Label Labs

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