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Mobile App Trends To Watch Out For In 2021 | Blue Label Labs

| January 22, 2020

Whether you are a seasoned app developer or have an idea for an app you want to see through to completion, it helps to be mindful of some of the larger trends impacting apps and app usage. You want your app to succeed, to become popular, to make money, to help users, even. How will you create the next Instagram, say, or the next Evernote or Snapchat? To help you attain your goals, consider these trends that will help reshape the mobile app landscape in 2021.

  1. Healthcare Apps on the Rise

One of the smartest ways to position an app for success is to simply pay attention to app trends, which usually an iPhone app developer will already be doing. When you know which types of apps are most popular at any given time, you can launch a similar app to cater to a growing user base.

For example, Android and iPhone healthcare apps are growing increasingly popular among users. You can take advantage of this current mobile app trend by partnering with developers to create your own health app.

Health apps include information resources for medical professionals, “life logging” apps that let individuals monitor what they eat, how much they exercise, apps for patients to track their progress, and much more.

Healthcare apps work across smartphones and tablets. Following the introduction of the iPad Mini, for example, research revealed its popularity with practicing physicians (possibly because the device so easily fits inside a lab coat pocket).  With their tablet, doctors can access information, manage schedules, do calculations, and replace paper. On their smartphone app, end users can check their heart rate, monitor their blood pressure, and more. The multi-trillion-dollar healthcare market eagerly awaits your innovative ideas! Consider the popularity of clinical reference guides, medical calculators, tools for patients, reminders to take medicine, a constant stream of health-related data for fitness buffs and life loggers; there is no limit to what you can achieve with your healthcare app.

  1. Remember All Devices

Most mobile apps are designed for smartphones and tablets. That said, it’s important to remember that other devices exist, and depending on the nature of your app, they may offer features and functionality that you can’t get with a smartphone.

For instance, “future of apps” experts often predict that as the necessary technology improves, health apps will be able to monitor users for signs of health problems. To do so, however, the user must be wearing a device like a smartwatch.

That’s merely one example. In general, devices such as smartwatches, VR headsets, and others are continuing to become more and more widespread. Keep that in mind when deciding which type of device is right for your app.

  1. Everybody wants to play!

The growing popularity of health apps shouldn’t be ignored. This is certainly a mobile app trend worth paying attention to if you want to release an app that has a strong chance of being a success.

That said, games remain the most popular types of apps in terms of downloads and sales. While you should still consider the potential of healthcare apps, it’s smart to remember that games tend to attract users as well.

  1. Integration of App Data across Devices

More and more, the best apps are available across multiple screens. Consider Evernote, the popular note-taking app. It took hold on iPhone, where users eagerly embraced its ease of use and functionality. But, most of us are not always on our smartphone, for example. Thus, Evernote has developed apps optimized not only across platforms (e.g. across iOS and Android) but across devices. Sometimes, we are at our desks, using a Mac. Sometimes, we are in bed with our iPad. The Evernote app is optimized for each of these, and the data is always in synch. This high-touch integrated approach ‘locks-in’ users and offers multiple paths for monetization.

With multiple devices, an app-centric focus, and cloud-based services, users will no doubt increasingly demand that their favorite apps be ‘integrated’ across all their screens. Be prepared to take advantage of this trend.


There are other trends, of course, which is not at all surprising considering the rapid growth of the app industry. Apps are penetrating the enterprise, and business-focused apps and even enterprise app stores will no doubt grow in popularity and usage throughout the year.

More and more of us are using our smartphones to help us shop, compare prices, get the best deals and to pay for our goods. Can your app improve upon these?

Be mindful of the trends and know that there is no limit to what you can achieve with your app idea!

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