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Our Nightmare Is Over: Google Maps For iOS Is Finally Here!

Bobby Gill | December 13, 2012

Tonight beleagured iOS 6 users breathed a collective sigh of relief: Google Maps is here!


Yes, for what seems too long I have dreamt of this moment. Everytime Apple Maps would point me in the wrong direction, or leave me clueless as to the nearest subway station, I’d shake my fist and curse to the Gods! If only there were someway to turn time back to when my iPhone could actually be used as a navigational device, oh those were the heady days of summer 2012.  Tonight I will sleep easier knowing that I will never have to use that cursed Apple Maps.

The lesson in all this? Appreciate what you have folks, because as the whole Google Maps vs Apple Maps fiasco has shown: you don’t know what you got till it’s gone.

You can download the new Google Maps for iOS here  , welcome back to the 21st century!

Bobby Gill
Co-Founder & Chief Architect at BlueLabel | + posts

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