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My MBC & Me App: Assisting Women With Cancer

Natasha Singh | April 19, 2019

We live in a world with amazing new technology emerging daily; robots are exploring alien worlds and self-driving cars are just around the corner. Yet while these futuristic technologies become reality, cancer still plagues us despite all of the work being put in around the globe to end it. Cancer is a heavy topic for many, as most of us know someone who has dealt with the disease. Breast cancer, in particular, is all too common and pervasive. One in eight women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime, according to the Breast Cancer Center. That’s 12.4% of women.

So here we are in 2019, and since we all can’t be working in a lab to find the cure, we want to contribute in any way we can. At Blue Label Labs, that means using mobile technology to help.

In March, we announced the release of a new mobile app called “My MBC & Me”, a product of our friends at SHARE, a national non-profit devoted to assisting women with breast or ovarian cancer.

This wonderful organization offers free support in a variety of ways to women with metastatic breast cancer as well as their caretakers, all of whom are faced with navigating an extremely difficult new reality.

The app focuses on facilitating communication between women with breast cancer and their doctors. To those outside of the world of doctors, appointments, medication and more, this line of communication may seem run-of-the-mill and straightforward, but within the realm of cancer treatment, it’s something that needs a lot of work.

This is where My MBC & Me comes into play, allowing women to make informed decisions about their health and helping them identify their personal and treatment goals, all while engaging in productive communication with their doctors.”

The calendar component of the app tracks appointments, side effects, treatment regimens, and patient notes and questions during and between appointments. It also allows users to pin information they’ve recorded to appointments, so they have an interface with reminders for all the information they need to discuss.

Available in both English and Spanish for iOS users, My MBC & Me was designed with input from both doctors and those affected by metastatic breast cancer to allow patients to reflect on who they are, how they communicate, how they process information, what their life is like and their overall goals.

In a world where so much can feel out of our control, all of us here at Blue Label Labs aim to use mobile technology to empower people. To that end, we are committed to be a part of the movement towards smoother and more effective back and forth between those with cancer and the medical professionals who aim to serve them in the best way possible.

Natasha Singh
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Senior iOS Developer at Blue Label Labs

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