Social Media Is The Key To App Success
With more than 3 million apps available on our mobile phones and that number growing every day, the need to rise above the noise and get your app noticed is crucial. Simply having a well-designed app with a focus on the features and priorities that truly matter, while still essential, no longer guarantees success. Once the nitty gritty aspects of app design are out of the way, spreading the word is the next step. One of the best ways to increase visibility of your app and connect with potential users is also one of the most obvious: social media.
If it sounds simple, it’s because it is.
Here at Blue Label Labs, we design and implement mobile app development software every day, so we have a pretty good sense of what works and what doesn’t. As app designers with more than 250 successful digital products under our belts, our goal is to turn our client’s vision into reality by using our decades of collective experience. We have found that the best apps are created by thinking about the bigger picture.
Today, that bigger picture always encompasses the social media platforms that dominate our social interactions and increasingly drives our awareness of the news that does (and doesn’t) matter! In order to get any idea out into the world, you would be silly not to employ the power of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, WhatsApp and the countless other platforms available at our fingertips.
Not only are these online communities highly present and in attendance daily, but social media marketing is also the most cost-effective way to speak to your target audience.
If a tree falls in the woods, did anyone download the app? 
What’s the point of an app if no one knows about it? There are approximately one billion people scrolling through social media each day. That means massive opportunities to get your new app seen by potential users all over the globe. Implementing a strategic social media campaign on the most appropriate platforms that targets your core audiences gives you the power to reach users and transform awareness to downloads.
There are so many intricate steps to mobile app development. It starts with an idea and can quickly become a useful piece of software when executed correctly. If you have the right idea, Blue Label Labs has everything else you need to successfully develop, design and distribute your app to the masses.
Natasha Singh
Senior iOS Developer at Blue Label Labs