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Fertility Apps & Features They Should Have

| April 27, 2020

While some folks seem to get pregnant with a seductive glance, other families need to put in a little more work to conceive – this is just one area where the best fertility apps can help families bring a child into the world. The best fertility apps in modern times are packed with features and knowledge that assist moms-to-be from preconception through the birth of a child.

Of course, there is much more to the equation than just conceiving a child as pregnancy is a crucial time for a child’s development. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular options on the market for putting a bun in the oven and baking it to perfection.

Fertility apps at a glance

The best fertility apps for 2021 and beyond are multidimensional apps that are designed to help families make optimal decisions before, during, and after pregnancy. Because pregnancy is a unique experience for each individual, different apps will vary in appeal to end-users.

The most popular features of a fertility tracker app are found in the calendar functions used for tracking fertility. For those who have been trying to conceive but experienced difficulties, ovulation tracking is a critical practice for those looking to conceive their bundle of joy. Across the board, the ovulation tracking involves collecting data on the menstruation cycle which allows the app to calculate peak times to conceive.

Many of the best fertility apps include multiple features that add to the user experience (UX) but it really boils down to the functions built around the calendar. We asked Dr. Lucky Sekhon, a reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist at RMA of New York, what features she felt her clients find most useful and why:

“Many of my patients use the menstrual tracking features in fertility apps to keep a consistent log of their cycle, including when they start their period, have a positive ovulation predictor kit, and attempted to conceive. This organized record-keeping by the patient provides doctors with accurate, objective, longitudinal data which often point to the clinical diagnosis prior to any actual blood tests or ultrasounds are performed. The ovulation tracking features help us in providing personalized counseling to patients about their ‘fertile window’ of opportunity to try to conceive. It also can help patients who plan to monitor their ovulation at home to know at what point in their cycle they should start using ovulation predictor kits.”

Best fertility apps of 2021

There are plenty of solutions on the market for fertility apps but not all are created equal. We’re going to look at several, starting with an app we produced here at Blue Label Labs. 

Note: all the following are free to install and use.

babyMed. This app started as an idea from ObGyn, Amos Grunebaum, MD, to help his clients increase their knowledge about reproductive health and pregnancy. The babyMed app is available on the web as well as iOS – it has several features, namely including a calendar feature that helps users track ovulation to better time conception. The calendar feature extends its usefulness after conception, working as a tool that helps patients stay on track during the term of the pregnancy.

The babyMed iOS app contains calendar features and few others help moms-to-be figure out their cycle which indicates ideal times to conceive a child. The website contains extra tools such as tests and quizzes for matters like checking fertility, measuring the risk of preeclampsia, gender prediction, and others.

Period Tracker. The appropriately named Period Tracker app is available for both Android and iOS. This app is designed to help those track their menstruation cycle which is useful both for those who keep track as a supplement to birth control as well as for those trying to conceive. It also allows women to track symptoms that come with the territory which can help provide physicians a log of information that’s helpful when treating issues that can come along with standard or irregular periods.

The calendar feature in Period Tracker allows women to use the app as a tool that assists in helping not only figure out peak times of ovulation, but log other information as well. This is useful for those who like to keep organized but would like to keep this particular flavor of information separate from business or personal calendars – too, it can shift modes from menstruation tracking to pregnancy or post-partum mode, depending on where the user is at.

Flo Period tracker. For both Android and iOS, Flo is considered to be one of the best fertility apps for 2021 as it has been for some years. The feature set is very similar to Period Tracker but it’s wholly geared toward conception instead.

The calendar feature in Flo allows women to track their cycle in the calendar and log the start and end date of menstruation which is used in by the app’s analytics to further pinpoint ovulation. This data works used to predict future menstruation cycles – the more data it gets, the more accurate it becomes, hence allowing it to identify ideal ovulation times. There are also other features like mood and discharge trackers that help women better track their physical and mental health before, during, and after pregnancy. There is even an anonymous commenting system that allows women to share secrets, tips, and concerns without disclosing their identity.

Glow. Like the other fertility tracker apps in the list, Glow is centered on a calendar function that allows women to record various metrics in addition to log their cycles. Glow is available on both Android and iOS as a free tool for maintaining and improving reproductive health.

Glow offers a paid model which some users prefer – looking through reviews on digital storefronts, some complain that the app is too ad-heavy. Other than that, you find the same features you would find in the above, namely a calendar function to track and log cycles as well as predict prime timeframes to conceive a child. 

Apple Health with Cycle Tracker. For iOS users, you might want to simply consider using the Apple Health app. It goes without saying, the app is available on iOS and packaged with anything running iOS 8 or later though the Cycle Tracker plugin is only available for apps running on iOS 13 (and watchOS 6) and beyond.

This holistic health app includes a ton of different tools for tracking and measuring your health, comparable to popular health tracker apps like Google Fit, Strava, MyFitnessPal, and others. The Cycle Tracker adds, well, cycle tracking to Apple Health’s capabilities, adding functionality just like the apps mentioned above. The nice part about Apple Health is that it further allows women to log other information too such as body temperature and other health metrics which proves helpful for medical professionals when the user is good about regularly tracking such data.

Learn more about how Blue Label Labs can build your medical app

We understand there are a lot of great apps on the market for healthcare as well as many frontiers yet to be explored. Blue Label Labs works to understand every aspect of your project to build the best possible software for any purpose – reach out to us today and learn more.

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