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The Week In Mobile: iOS 7, BlackBerry And Surface 2

Bobby Gill | September 24, 2013

iOS 7: Good Enough to Make You Forget About iOS 6?


As an ex-Microsoftie, it pains me at my core to lavish any sort of praise on Apple, but I admit, Apple did a surprisingly good job with the iOS 7 release. Mea culpa my child, mea culpa. After the albatross that was iOS 6, I had Microsoft-like visions of what the company had become without Steve Jobs. When rumor had it that Apple intended to overhaul the iPhone user experience in one release, I was sure we were going to bear witness to Longhorn Part II. But I was wrong, Apple dropped a new user interface on our beloved iPhones and managed to do it without breaking every app and confusing the ~ 1 billion users of iOS long the way. Well done Apple. Does the iOS 7 release mean that like Stella, has Apple gotten its groove back?

BlackBerry’s Public Shaming Comes to an End in $5 Billion Private Equity Deal

With Fairfax Financial Holdings’ $4.7 billion bid for Canadian smartphone pioneer Blackberry, the sad saga of BlackBerry mercifully moves off-stage behind the curtain of private equity. BlackBerry is the latest casualty in the never ending Shakespearean tale of fallen Canadian tech giants. First came Corel, then there was Nortel and now the trilogy completes BlackBerry. Is every Canadian giant doomed to follow these tragic footsteps? All we Canadians have left to be proud of is Potash and the Canadarm.


Can someone please check the bolts connecting the Canadarm to the International Space Station?

Microsoft announces the Surface 2!


In a week of epic product launches that saw Rockstar rack up $1 billion in GTA V sales and Apple move 9 million new iPhones, the world stood still (and yawned) as Microsoft unveiled the newest generation of its Surface tablet. While HP and BlackBerry beat a fast and heavy retreat from the tablet world, yesterday’s announcement proved there will be no such surrender from Microsoft. Persistence is what Redmond does best, and with the announcement of new versions of both the x86 powered Surface Pro and its red headed step ARM-based step sibling, Microsoft is determined to wipe away the memories of a $900 million write down, and a paltry $800 million in revenue that the Surface has delivered to shareholders thus far.

I am a Surface Pro user, and I really like my device. My Surface Pro makes me feel like a rebel in the Apple enshrined cafes of Williamsburg. When I stroll into Toby’s and snap in my Surface’s type cover,  the music stops and every bespoke framed glare in the place falls upon me. It’s a pretty cool feeling, except for those times when my Surface is in the midst of rebooting itself after applying the latest Windows update, then I just wish I had brought my iPad.

Bobby Gill
Co-Founder & Chief Architect at BlueLabel | + posts

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